Notus City Hall
Email Your Elected Officials:
NOTICE: Pursuant to Idaho law, the City Council and Mayor are prohibited from responding to communications from the applicant or the public on an active land use application prior to the public hearing. If your email contains written testimony regarding an open land use item, it must be received prior to the public hearing to be included in the City Council's hearing packet and made part of the record. If your emailed testimony is received after that, it may not be included in the record. Please be mindfull of these requirements.
David Porterfield,
Mayor Tyler Martin,
Public Works Supervisor |
Loretta Vollmer,
City Clerk/Treasurer Public Records |
Toni Thornton,
Assistant City Clerk
Notus City Council
The City Council are your representatives for efficient and effective city management. The City Council has the ability to enact laws within the City of Notus to ensure safety and preserve the unique community that in which we live. Members are elected to a four-year term. Elections are held every other year. Council members of the City are legislative and policy-making branch of the city government. They attend all meetings of the Council and perform all duties by the nature of their offices such as:
*Approve the payment of claims against the City
*Confirm City officials appointed by the Mayor
*Establish various committees to serve the City of Notus
*Oversee improvements and work done for the City
*Pass ordinances and resolutions
Idaho State Code and Notus City Code establish the duties and powers of the City Council.
*Approve the payment of claims against the City
*Confirm City officials appointed by the Mayor
*Establish various committees to serve the City of Notus
*Oversee improvements and work done for the City
*Pass ordinances and resolutions
Idaho State Code and Notus City Code establish the duties and powers of the City Council.
Devin Krasowski
City Council Member
Steve Ahlborn,
City Council President |